
    Thursday, August 31, 2006

    C'mon Baby, Light My Fire

    Went to Playgroup today for the first time in like a million years...
    Glorious weather and only a smattering of kids, so quite relaxing, really.

    We made a tie for dad, for Father's Day. It's very spiffy, so we'll be very cut if he doesn't wear it for the day. If ONLY I had a coloured macaroni necklace, imagine how cool we'd look together. Hot.

    Before I went to Playgroup, I had an unexpected phone barney with Agnews. Seriously, I was being all nice and polite, and I got Mr. Excitedly-Angry on the phone.

    Me ( pleasantly ): "Hello, yes, I am expecting a delivery today, can you let me know whenabouts it may be here ? I have to go out this morning for a couple of hours, so I am hoping it might be this afternoon ?"

    Mr. E-A ( agitated ): "We're delivering this morning. What do you want me to do, change the route, change all the routines ?".

    Me: ( ??????? )" Um, no, I didn't suggest that at all. Perhaps the driver could take my number and call me 10minutes before he gets to my house?"

    Him ( now needing a heart pill ): "What you are asking is impossible. I can't believe you would suggest that! "

    Me ( slowly backing away ): "Ok, look, I am going to hang up the phone now, I think you're being very unhelpful and very accusatory for no reason at all."

    So I got off the phone and dialled my husband, leaving a complete verbal transcript on his messagebank. Little did I know that he was actually ON THE OTHER LINE waiting for the guy who was talking to me. We had both called at the same time for the same reason, but I had got through first. It turns out he wasn't put on hold properly ( this place is soooo bad at customer service ), and so he listened to this guy abuse me. When he got on he said "err, hello Brian. I just listened to you speaking to my wife and I must say I am very unimpressed".
    Apparently he ripped it through them for not only this, but for all the other problems we have experienced with them, and their total lack of customer service. Yay ! My Hero !

    Anyway, so it's now this afternoon and their very sweet driver has been & gone ( finally, someone with a sunny disposition ) and ... . I think the mantle is incorrect.

    Apparently AB suspected it would be, as no-one has been "sure" if it's correct whenever he has called.

    The saga continues ....


    My float said...

    I suspect this guy needs a 'customer service' refresher course! How incredibly rude. What are you going to do?

    srp said...

    Here from Michele.
    It is Father's Day there?
    Learn something everyday.
    Sounds like customer service is not this company's forte.

    Uisce said...

    Hello, Michele sent me. That tie is just the cutest thing!! I love it!

    vanx said...

    Dad should get an extra star on his tie for setting customer service straight. He showed admirable restraint, really.

    sarah doow said...

    What a hero husband!

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