
    Friday, February 01, 2008


    So we've had 2x half-days of 'Orientation'.
    Where I just sit back and observe.
    Well, that's what I did anyway, it's not like I received any 'instruction' on what to do.

    And now we've caught our first bug. Already. Great.
    MC slept terribly last night.
    I did notice the kid he was playing with on Wednesday was inconsolable, sobbing and miserable yesterday. I asked one of the staff about him and they said he was really sick and they were waiting for his parents.

    By the time bedtime hit, MC was channelling this kid. GREAT.
    I hope we're well enough to attend his first official day on Monday !!


    Because I was left to my own devices and sort of wandered around on my own, I had the opportunity of quiet observation.
    Should kids be supervised in the loos ? - you know, if they need help with the toilet paper or washing their hands ?
    It seemed to be a bit lax, and one girls seemed to be there pantsless for ages, hopping on and off the toiley and looking a little lost, to be frank.
    I had to really suppress the urge to run over and offer assistance.

    Also, I am not a manic hygiene person - I think a bit of dirt and germ is good for the immune system .. but .. at the water cooler, I *think* there was *supposed* to be a system where clean cups were on the top rack, and when you drank from a cup, you were supposed to put in on the 2nd tier of the trolley ?!?!? But again, no supervision, and i'm pretty sure the cup my son chose was 'used'.
    Considering his health this morning, i'm a bit 'hmmm'.
    I will definitely ask about 'cup protocol' on Monday .. just so I can tell the boy .. because no-one else seemed to.

    However, I do think this is a great place. There are tables set up all over the place with different activities on them. There are no rules about when you can paint or glue ... the kids just flit to whatever takes their fancy ( the dinosaur table ? the block building table ? the sticking table ? )
    and go for it.

    MC started a painting and a carer came up and wrote his name on his sheet, then reprimanded a little girl for not wearing a smock. But my son wasn't wearing one either. Then MC wandered off to do something else, and another smockless boy simply started painting over his artwork. Odd. Inconsistent.

    I know they can't be everywhere, but I just felt vision was flawed at times.
    It's not a cavernous space, and they were in the same proximity to 'trouble' that I was.

    Nevertheless, I just KNOW the boy is going to LOVE it here.
    We had a little 'not wanting to leave' tanty last night ( which was like, just FABULOUS .. not ! ;) and I doubt he'll have any qualms about me leaving him on Monday. In fact, when I explained yesterday we had to leave so mummy could go home and make him some dinner, he suggested maybe I should go home by myself and he'd stay there. Hmmm.

    AB home today.
    I should have some 'new gate' pictures later on this afternoon.
    I am *loving* this handyman stage. He's so proud of himself !


    dottycookie said...

    Hugs to you. It's very hard sending them off to be looked after by someone else - they never, ever will do things the way you do. Fun is great - it sounds like he'll have a blast! But I would voice your concerns and keep an eye on him (duh, stating the obvious as usual); our daycare has been variable in the past about helping little ones with toileting - which is fine if they can manage by themselves, but pretty nightmarish if they can't.

    Kiki said...

    I understand where you're coming from, I'm like you and watch everyone like a hawk. But, I do step in and offer assistance because I know I wouldn't like my child walking around with toilet paper or the like stuck to her. Check with the Kindy teachers, you might find they are really glad to have an extra set of hands.

    I bet you've already had the talk with MC about washing his hands more and the water sitch though. Recipe for diseases non-stop...last year was our worst year for sickness in this house, the baby was sick almost every 2 to 3 weeks with what Miss A would bring home. It was a bloody nightmare. Well at least we know we've got this space to brag & bitch about Kindergarten dilemmas.

    Just keep your wits about you and you'll be fine. It sounds so exciting not having any limitations put on them as to when they can do what craft. Imagine the freedom ;-)

    meggie said...

    Such good news that MC liked his Kinder experience.
    It is good for them to mix with other children.
    The coughs & colds is one of the side effects which is not so great.

    Louise said...

    I had a similar experience with my couple of hours of orientation last week. I wandered around and found the sign in book, label for where to hang Daph's bag and other stuff - nobody felt the need to explain anything to me so I asked lots of questions. I think it was just a busy week of new room and new kids etc. This week was calm, only 10 kids and the carers were brilliant. Daph ignored me when I said goodbye, had lunch and a nap and didn't notice when I returned three hours later. She loves it! I am happy! I start on tuesday - pop in and say hi if you get a chance.

    Mary said...

    Is it ridiculously obvious to say that by the time Margot went to pre school I did not notice anything like that. But I do remember clearly how sick Will got off and on for quite a while.

    I am just very mindful that you are rapidly approaching your due date!!

    Stomper Girl said...

    That is not good that he got so sick! Hope he recovers soon. I get anxious too when I think not enough attention is being paid, but I guess we are sending our kids out into the big wide world and they need to learn to fly solo a bit. Not too solo though!

    Melody said...

    Sounds like MC had a wonderful time and that's what it is all about isn't it? Nice one. I can see why I am not a Kindy teacher by your experience. Looking after one 3 year old is enough for me. Imagine 10-20 of them all in the same room at the same time?

    muser said...

    I had about 8 months of non-stop illness with Fraser and then it was fine. Hope MC feels better soon.
    We get the departure tanty every time. It's annoying but at least I know he loves it there so much.

    caramaena said...

    Like muser, Chickie had a run of nearly non-stop illness when he first started day-care. He was younger though.

    What that meant though, was the whole house-hold got sick. People did say that it was good that he got it out of the way and would most likely not get all the bugs going around school. Seems to be true so far... he's done two terms and has started again this week and hasn't even had so much as a cold. (crossing fingers, knocking on wood etc here btw).

    KPB said...

    This is what you're meant to be like with the first child.
    Funny how by the time I'm dropping Grover off for his orientation he'll be lucky if I even get out of the car.

    When Oscar started pre-school I had a similar bathroom incident and just helped this little girl. One of the teachers came over and quietly told me that I was NOT to do this as there were protocols.

    Funny how you just see a kid in need and instinctively go to help them.

    That cup thing is FRAUGHT. FRAUGHT I tell you.

    Brace yourself for the wee chap to be sick for most of this year with at least a runny nose. It's not called the immune-building-year for nothing.

    LBA said...

    Kim & Kiki - i'd already got in 'trouble' for stepping in where I shouldn't have ... so I had to let toiletgirl fend for herself.

    Besides, there was only about a 5kids-to-teacher ratio, and there were no real dramas, so it wasn't like they were overwhelmed and desperately needing my assistance...


    Fairlie - said...

    In my experience, that first year of "formal socialising" brings with it every bug imaginable. But it does pass.

    And how great is it that MC *loves* it there? That's a really significant thing.

    Anonymous said...

    I'm quite certain that your little fellow is more than ready for kinder. He'll have a ball. A parent's job is pre-emptive.The carer's job becomes more of a back up person -let them have a go by themselves and to assist when asked or required.

    PS: the mother of the girl asked to put on a smock has already complained about paint on clothing - hence the reminder to her and no one else!!

    My float said...

    Argh, it's hard, isn't it? I think the most important thing is that he loves it there. Mind you, the water thing bugs me (pardon the pun!) At my son's preschool, they all have their own water bottles, filled from home and from the tap. Makes much more sense & cheaper too, for the preschool. Perhaps a suggestion to the school?

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